Animal Magnetism® Mascots: illustrations of a zebra, tabby cat, pig, frog, lion and penguin

The animals love to talk so topics are rarely off-limits!

Sessions are personal and confidential and we can chat about whatever you wish - anything and everything.

Below are a few common areas of communication to consider, however, this is not an exhaustive list:


Discussing a healing program


Overall wellbeing and happiness


Nutrition, exercise and health care


Vetting a new sitter or companion


Toys, friends and favorite places/things


Welcoming a new animal home or moving to a new home


Re-homing your pet


Lost pets


What they are trying to tell you by a particular behavior


Explaining a change in family structure (new baby, divorce, etc.)


Reestablishing house rules for harmony and balance


Preparing for travel or guests or explaining your working-from-home or parental leave plans


Learning your pet’s transition wishes




Communications do not HAVE to be with a pet.

We can talk to any animal you are connected with or drawn to:


Favorite animal (a specific animal or as a group)


Animals from dreams


Repeated sightings of an animal


Wild animals

Emoji Illustration of a red fox, the Animal Magnetism® Mascot for general categories of animals (ex. feline kingdom or entire animal kingdom)

General categories (for example: the feline kingdom or the entire animal kingdom)




Visit my SCHEDULER to book a session with me.


Alternatively, you can check out the OFFERINGS sub menus in the main navigation above to see all of the details by session type.