I Just Called To Say . . . 

If you’d like to chat with more than one animal, have multiple topics, a more complex situation or an emergency, phone sessions are for you!

Whereas the email sessions are only one round (a question and a paragraph-length reply but no follow ups), phone sessions have multiple communication steps and offer lively, organic discussions that go deeper on your chosen subject(s).



The number of animals, topics and questions as well as depth and immediacy dictate your ideal phone session of the three options below. 




More details about how phone sessions are structured are within each offering below.

There is also a generalized summary at the bottom of this page.

For additional guidance on how to determine which session type is best for you, please read the FAQs.





A Focused Topic Of Your Choosing  

Like a cheetah, this offering is a concentrated sprint.  

Intended to answer a focused line of questioning on a singular topic, this efficient 1-hour+ offering goes like this:            

You provide ~4 questions in advance (at booking or within 48-hours of our session) 

I spend ~30 minutes chatting with the animal to answer your questions (and more!) prior to our call 

We meet for a 30-minute recorded teleconference where I share the answers to your initial questions, and we address follow ups real-time in session 

For your reference, I provide a MP3 recording and links to any of your pet’s recommendations within 24 hours after our session via email 

$275 Per Session


A Varied, Deep And Comprehensive Discussion

Like a peacock’s many feathers, this offering can feature an array of animals and/or topics and is twice as long in duration to further investigate intricacies. 


This comprehensive 2-hour+ offering allows for multiple animals and/or topics and goes like this: 

You provide ~8 questions in advance (at booking or within 48-hours of our session)


I spend ~1 hour chatting with the animal(s) to answer your questions (and more!) prior to our call


We meet for a 1-hour recorded teleconference where I share the answers to your initial questions, and we address follow ups real-time in session


For your reference, I provide an MP3 recording and links to any of your pet’s recommendations within 24 hours after our session via email


$545 Per Session


When facing stressful situations, a teddy bear – both tender and strong - offers courage, comfort and support. This offering for emergencies addresses the predicament from your animal’s perspective: what happened, how they feel and how they’d like to proceed.  This is specific to any urgent issues and missing pets.

Teddy Bears can be booked within 30 minutes based on the availability in the scheduler. I’ve earmarked 10am - 1pm EST exclusively for these sessions. See more information below.

This real-time session fiercely focuses on the immediate situation and goes like this: 

Given the sensitivity and timeliness, we fully concentrate on the issue at hand in a 1-hour teleconference 


Often with little time to prepare, I ask the animal your questions real-time, live in-session. However, if timing permits, questions are welcome at the time of booking.  I’ll do my best to chat with your sweetheart to answer those questions (along with any others that arise) as my schedule allows prior to our session. Given the urgency, intensity and hyper-focus, emergency phone sessions incur a premium.


I send an MP3 recording and links to any of your pet’s recommendations immediately following our session


$250 Per 30-Minute Session

$495 Per 1-Hour Session


Please Note:

Like all sessions, Emergency Sessions are booked via the SCHEDULER exclusively. They are available to book within 30 minutes notice as the schedule allows and are not guaranteed to be immediate, though I do my best. I’ve reserved 10am - 1pm EST exclusively for emergency sessions and have opened up my general availability to accommodate other time zones.


If you don’t see a time that works for you on the scheduler, book an appointment and in the intake form please note your ideal times in your time zone and also EST (a few options, please) along with a summary of the situation and any information you’d like to share about what’s happening and any milestones/key dates. I’ll do my best to find a time that works for both of us – ASAP, of course. If we are unable to find a time to your liking, I’ll refund your session in full.




There are numerous universal situations that pet owners encounter at one point or another. Given the degree of detail, they likely span more than one session so I have created custom packages for the following specific scenarios:

SPECIFIC SCENARIOS are booked as packages, paid in full and are redeemable within 120 days of purchase. Upon confirmation, you’ll receive codes specific to the package you selected and can book at intervals that work for you within the 120 days.


Each hero animal links to the respective direct booking page:

Alternatively, view ALL Specific Scenarios via the button below:




At the time of booking or within 48 hours of our call, you submit roughly 4-8 questions (depending on the offering type: see details above). These are just to get the conversation started! In my experience, this is the optimal range to allow time for more in-session. However, feel free to ask fewer! The animals love to talk so rest assured we’ll have a rich discussion even if you only have one question or a handful at the start.


It’s likely that you are brimming with questions since that’s why you are booking an appointment! However, you may have only one or a few at that moment and more may come to you as we approach our call. You’ll be able to add additional questions to your intake form before we meet (via a link in your booking confirmation email) and, of course, you are welcome to come to our session with other questions.



I chat with your animal for ~30-60 minutes (depending on the offering type: see details above) to answer those first round of questions prior to our call. It’s likely that what they reveal in their answers leads me to ask additional queries, which I pose during this chat. I’m highly perceptive and inquisitive so I pepper in questions to compliment yours.



I walk you through their answers to your initial questions and we ask follow-ups in the moment to further clarify, dig deeper and address other questions that inevitably arise. I start with anything they want to share upfront – a summary or important notice, then share their answers to each initial question one-by-one, encouraging your feedback and additional questions after each answer. There is also time to ask questions you thought of before our call but were unable to share with me prior.


Our conversation is organic, in-the-moment and the animal leads the direction. It always fascinates me where the conversations go!


Our call will be recorded (or not, your choice!) and you can take notes if you like.



An increased connection to your beloved is very likely to display in your pet’s unique fashion, which always warms my heart. Your sweetheart is likely to show you gratitude via affection and playfulness following (and sometimes during!) our call! Clients often report their beloved nuzzling, vocalizing, licking or cuddling during or after our session.


They appreciate the opportunity to share their voice and love that you are open, listening and taking action based on their desires.


Within 24 hours, for your reference, I send the recording from our session and links to any of your pet’s recommendations to you via email.


All sessions must be booked via the SCHEDULER, which is always up to date. Appointment requests are not honored via email.

Payment is due at the time of booking. 

A 24-hour cancellation policy is enforced. No refunds after this window except for true emergencies. See below:

If you have to cancel for a personal or family emergency within the 24-hour cancellation window, you will receive a full refund along with my best wishes.

If you miss the appointment because of an emergency, contact me and we will reschedule when the time is right for you.


I look forward to speaking with you and your animal friend soon!