Kelly of Animal Magnetism® looking down at her female tabby cat, Loki, who is looking up at her, both in pure joy.

“Animals’ wisdom,




peace with what is inspires me.”


I’ve always loved animals – as pets and in the wild.  Animals’ wisdom, unconditional love and peace with what is inspires me.

The prevailing goal of my communications is to relay animals’ desires -  so they are heard, acknowledged and understood. Ideally, their requests are met if not exceeded. The actionable information revealed in the sessions brings clarity and a sense of comfort to their human companion while exponentially deepening the bond between them.


My unique strengths differentiate my communication style: 


Observant and insightful, I leverage my love of questions to dig deeper as there is almost always something more to the initial story. Attentively listening with all of my senses and reading between the lines, my organic questioning style delves below the surface to uncover what’s really happening. I pepper additional questions to fill in the blanks which reveals the heart of the situation and opens a space for new possibilities, opportunities and solutions.


Heart-led and deeply sensing, I feel what others are experiencing and offer suggestions while remaining true to myself. Animals naturally trust me because I have a reputation for honesty, trustworthiness and open-heartedness. They feel my pure intention to alleviate any suffering and inspire more joy by sharing their desires with their human companion and by creatively designing solutions for their unique situations. My ability to assimilate - directly and indirectly  - communicated thoughts, feelings and experiences primes me to offer individualized enhancements, modifications and recommendations.  


Imaginative and creative, my co-created bespoke solutions delight both the animal and their human companions. My boundless imagination and visionary creative expressions are my hallmarks. Instinctively, I infuse creativity into every aspect of my own life and am honored to extend this gift to others. Through my active listening and connective abilities, I design unique and personalized recommendations with and for the animal to ease, empower and elevate.


Open and approachable, my generous style welcomes animals (and their companions!) and encourages a sharing experience. I’ve repeatedly been described as magnetic. . . in this scenario, I certainly have an Animal Magnetism as animals herd, stampede and flutter towards and around me everywhere I go! It’s because they know I hear them! The overarching goal of my communications is to be a voice for the animals, so they are heard, acknowledged, and understood. Ultimately, this new, actionable information builds a platform for mutually-beneficial change and deepens the bond between the animal and their person. You, as the companion, will feel their intensified affection, appreciation and gratitude!


I can help you welcome a new pet home, communicate with “lost” animals or help an animal and your family adjust to a move, travel, or transition.  I can speak to animals before and after they pass and coordinate reincarnation plans. I can help explain an upcoming divorce, new baby, sitter or someone else entering household. With your animal, I can address anything and everything! The possibilities are endless! Animals love to talk and are so excited to share and be heard!


I can’t wait to talk with you and your beloved animal!