As a voice for the animals, via Animal Magnetism®, I offer telepathic animal communication with all animals: pets, wild animals, animals from dreams, repeated sightings and animals in spirit.

Through activated spiritual gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience, I hear, see and feel your animal companion’s voice, appearance, emotions and physical sensations. My telepathic animal communication imparts clarity, comfort and connection to pet owners and animal lovers alike relaying messages right from the horse’s mouth (or cat’s or bunny’s or pup’s . . .)!



My Combination Of Gifts

The animals are excited to chat with me because of my acute intuition, inquisitive nature, expansive creativity, genuine empathy, strategic problem-solving skills and playful sprit.

My teacher, Maia Kincaid, PhD., recognized this unique combination of qualities, noting “Kelly is very clever, creative and engaging, qualities which the animals adore and cannot resist. They love to talk with her and appreciate the manner in which she shares their communications with their humans.” Maia’s complete endorsement along with client reviews are on the Endorsements page.



My Unique Communication Style

My creative approach to sharing the animals’ voices sets me apart from other animal communicators. My style of animal communication operates like a conversation you have with a friend where I hear the animal’s words in full sentences with color, personality and emotion! Sharing your animal friend’s actual words, highlighting their demeanors and relaying their feelings in an original format colorfully animates their character, style and je ne sais quoi.

Via Animal Magnetism®, I offer traditional Q&A sessions by phone and email, phone session packages, and gift certificates. I also crafted a stable of unique, fun and creative specialty sessions which showcase my extraordinary creativity and connective abilities including intentionally designed emails like the excerpt of a Timely Message email response shown here.



My communications shift confusion, assumptions and projections to knowing which opens the space for new possibilities and opportunities.  They help you to understand your animal friend’s point-of-view and take actionable steps to fulfill their wishes which enriches both of your lives. My communications provide a window into your animal companion’s personality, inner workings and mission.

While my approach and offerings feature many creative, playful, and connective options, in equal measure, I support clients through their pet’s emergencies, accidents, illnesses and transitions with empathy, gentleness and tender care.



Which Animals Will Talk To Us?

What Topics Can Be Discussed?

Communications are not exclusive to pets; I can communicate with any animal: in a physical form or in spirit, in the wild, from your dreams, from repeated sightings or simply your favorite (a specific animal or as a group).

Similarly, the topics of communication are limitless! I can check in on animals after an illness, surgery or trauma or to learn what requests they have for their exercise and nutrition or other general areas of interest.  I can help you discover the real reason behind specific behaviors and co-create customized solutions which ultimately creates more harmony in your home. I can identify your animal friend’s favorite people, places and things.


Explaining upcoming changes in the family structure is another area where I can assist, for example, explaining an upcoming divorce, new baby, sitter or someone else entering/exiting the household. I can also address very timely topics about other aspects of change, such as preparing for a move, travel or guests or explaining your working-from-home or parental leave plans. An unintended specialty, I can speak to animals before and after they pass and coordinate reincarnation plans.


All conversations are private and confidential and I naturally establish a safe, impartial and welcoming environment.

The possibilities are endless: Animals love to talk and are so excited to share and be heard!



My phone sessions have three communication steps: an initial conversation to answer your questions at booking, a live call and, finally, a follow up email which includes links to your session recording and any specific recommendations from your animal companion along with a mini written update from your animal friend. 

Relaying your animal’s exact words verbally, these lively, organic discussions unravel complex issues and go deeper on your chosen subject(s). Calls can be recorded, you can take notes, or both! 

The number of animals, topics and questions as well as degree of complexity and desired depth dictate which of Animal Magnetism’s two signature phone sessions, The Cheetah or The Peacock, are best for you.

Welcoming a new pet home, preparing for a move and discussing transition wishes are three of the most common themes featured in twelve phone session packages which span two to three sessions given the degree of detail.



Informative, illuminating and nearly immediate, email sessions feature your pet’s voice word for word using direct quotes and descriptors of what I see and sense, vividly displaying their distinctive word choice, cadence, style and personality. Each intentionally designed email enhances and extends the connective experience.

Email session examples include Timely Message (your animal friend answers the general question: What message do you have for me?), Love Notes From Your Pet (surprise email love notes from your animal companion at varying durations) and your pet’s Theme Song (their iconic personal anthem including any lyrical remixes and custom song sheet).


Dedicated pages for specific email offerings:



What can you expect from an animal communication session with me? Clarity, comfort, connection and more! Animal Magnetism® offers clarity and a sense of comfort while exponentially deepening the bond between the animal and human friend.

I frequently receive client emails (and photos!) telling me how loving, ecstatic and peaceful their pets were post session!

Stellar reviews from my teacher and global clientele endorse my animal communication style, abilities and offerings.



Your Questions, Answered.

My offerings are reserved exclusively through this site, AnimalMagnetism.Pet.

You can view organized galleries of all offerings on one page, read more about each offering type on their respective dedicated page (see Offerings tab on top navigation menu) or go directly to my schedule to book a session.



View a snapshot or visit dedicated pages for each offering type:


I am looking forward to chatting with you and your animal friend soon!