• It depends on the number of animals, topics and questions as well as depth and immediacy.


    When you have more than one focused question, phone sessions are the way to go. Most notably, phone sessions have multiple communication steps and allow for real-time in-session Q&A to uncover more details which email sessions do not offer (as they are one and done).

    I offer three main phone sessions:

    CHEETAH  A Focused Topic Of Your Choosing

    PEACOCK  A Varied, Deep And Comprehensive Discussion

    (TEDDY) BEAR  An Emergency Session


    Additionally, I offer packages for common themes I call specific scenarios.


    Email sessions are most efficient when the topic is ultra-specific! Even though the answer is multi-paragraph in length, email sessions are informative, comforting and illuminating. Email sessions are also booked by appointment so that I schedule enough time to chat with your animal.

    If you are curious to know what your animal friend wants to tell you, TIMELY MESSAGE is a perfect choice! It answers the question “What message do you have for me right now?”. The animals LOVE this open-ended question!

    I also offer a few specialty email sessions such as discovering your Animal Angel , your pet's Theme Song , your Duet together or family Singalong or the message behind animals from your dreams or repeated sightings . The thematic, detailed replies arrive by your appointment time or sooner. These offerings are outlined in detail on the EMAIL SESSION OFFERINGS page.

    I also offer a free or by donation RE-HOMING session for those who encounter a circumstance where they have to re-home their pet and want to honor their wishes. This is from my heart and with a deep love for your animal companion.

    The SCHEDULER page shows each session in snapshot.

  • In my experience, ~ 4 questions (for the CHEETAH sprint) and ~ 8 questions (for the PEACOCK comprehensive) in advance is optimal to allow room for additional questions in session.

    However, feel free to ask fewer! The conversation is organic, in-the-moment and the animal leads the direction. They love to talk so rest assured we'll have a rich discussion even if you only have one question or a handful at the start. I'm highly perceptive and inquisitive so I pepper in questions to compliment yours.

    Emergency sessions are wild cards and you may or may not have time to provide questions in advance. It's ok; we'll address them all real time.

  • Questions can be as general as "How are you feeling?" or "Do you have any messages for me?" or as specific as "Why don't you seem to like Bruce?" or “Would you like to have a playmate and if so, what do you feel about Olivia?”.

     They can be yes / no, for example, "Are you happy living with me?" or be open ended like “What would make you happier living with me?”. Even if your questions are yes / no, your animal almost always offers more color!

    Your questions can be as personal as your comfort level permits. I adhere to a strict confidentiality and moral code.

  • This is very rare, however, I would notify you and refund your session (minus any credit card processing fees) if they do not want to share.

    It’s more common for an animal to ask for more time before they are ready to speak. In those unusual cases, I would suggest alternate dates and times based on their wishes. For example: a dog passed and was not ready to share his feelings with his human companions until after his celebration of life and burial. Once those events occurred, he shared his thoughts and messages lovingly and freely.

  • All bookings are via the SCHEDULER , which is always current. This allows me plenty of time to chat with your animal before your appointment time. This is true for both phone and email sessions.

    View all offerings HERE or for easy reference, click on any of the headers below to go directly to that category’s booking summary page.

    Primary Offerings

    Specialty Offerings

    Themed Phone Packages

    Gift Certificates

    Complimentary or By Donation