T.C., Santa Monica, CA


Happy client holding tennis ball her dog brought to her

Working with Kelly has provided me with healing and closure I have needed since losing my best friend Gunner.

I lost my sweet yellow Labrador, Gunner, almost two years ago. Gunner was truly a special dog. My father passed away from pancreatic cancer and before he died he gave Gunner to me and asked me to take care of him. Gunner and I became inseparable. He was my best friend and was by my side while I was mourning the loss of my father and my divorce. Needless to say, I was devastated when Gunner passed. Since Gunner passed, I was curious about how he felt about how he died and if he was okay and of course miss him terribly.

After my session with Kelly, I feel so happy and at peace with Gunner's passing. In our session I was reunited with Gunner and he shared messages only he and I would understand. It was truly a powerful and healing experience beyond words of explaining.

If you are mourning the loss of your best friend/pet and need some comfort working with Kelly will help you heal. An animal communication session with Kelly was by far the best gift to myself this year. I highly recommend working with her. Her ability to truly listen and have empathy made the experience comfortable and safe. She is truly gifted and has a divine connection with animals.