C.M., Portland, Maine


Happy couple with three dogs

Kelly at Animal Magnetism changed our lives.

We lost our beloved dog, Red, 4 years ago to cancer. Since his death, our dog and cat had behavioral changes and depression that no number of treats or walks or snuggles could heal. Our cat, who was once so loving, became withdrawn and at times, mean.

There were many times I felt Red's presence, but I didn't have the tools to confirm or hear him. That's when Kelly came to help.

I'm not kidding when I say the same day she talked to my cat (Pinot), she jumped in my lap and snuggled--something she hadn't done in years. Other behavior issues began to go away. She stopped scratching the furniture.

Then, Kelly dropped the big news: Red was ready to come back to us. Same soul. Different body. It took a few months of searching, but eventually, he revealed himself to us and our little family is now complete!