COMPLIMENTARY! Pet Emergency “Sticker” For Front Door

The first of a larger upcoming complimentary preparedness offering, these downloadable templates notify authorities that pets are in the home for rescue in an emergency.

There are two options to choose from below:


The first option features six common pets (dog, cat, bird, turtle, bunny, fish, snake and hamster/guinea pig) for you to circle and add their names plus your contact information.

I’ve provided a completed example, however, make it your own!

Pet Emergency Template Option 1 showing illustrations of common pets (dog, cat, bird, turtle, rabbit, fish, snake, guinea pig) for you to circle. You can write in their names and your contact information.


Circle the type of pet you have and add their names. Be sure to add your name and cell phone number.

Blank Template For You

Click the image to download.



The second option is a simplified template for you to add photos of your pets, their names, as well as your contact information and where their necessities are located.

Completed simple Pet Emergency Template which shows current color photos a cat and a dog along with their names and the owner's contact information and instructions for emergency crews.


Add current color photos of your pets showing their unique physical features. Be sure to add your name and cell phone number. There is space to add the location of key documents/supplies.

Blank Template For You

Click the image to download.


I recommend printing in color and hanging on or adjacent to your front door, internally or externally depending on your individual situation.

You can print on heavy card stock, laminate or frame your emergency “sticker”.