Your pet and I shop their wish list


Upcoming birthday or holiday?

Needing to replace old food bowls, carriers, beds etc.?

Simply want to surprise your pet with something new?

Like everything, your pet has specific preferences!


Often the pets take me shopping in our phone sessions and they suggested we debut an efficient, stand-alone offering for all clients to laser focus on their wish lists.

Not just for YOUR pet!

Shopping Trips can be used for any animal in your life: your best friend’s pet, a stray that frequents your neighborhood, a foster pet, wild animals living on your land . . . the possibilities are endless!




SHOPPING TRIP is a multi-step offering including an email reply detailing your animal friend’s wish list and a follow up mini phone session to refine after the new treasures arrive.

The inclusions are as follows:



Email reply details materials, sizes, colors, textures, brands, quantity, placement, uses and whatever is specific to their coveted items.  Also includes links to specific sites/images, as directed by your pet.


15-minute follow up phone session within 30 days to check in, ask questions and refine as needed

Maximum of two item types per shopping trip

$150 per Shopping Trip






As always, book online via the SCHEDULER. Because this is a package with both email and phone communication points, you purchase the Shopping Trip package first. Your package confirmation contains your specific code and dedicated links to book the email and phone sessions. You can book via the scheduler immediately following your purchase.

During the booking process you can share as much as you want about our upcoming shopping trip: for example, occasion, item(s) needed, reasons why and any background about your pet and/or your relationship. You have room to share links of items you are considering for their feedback too. You may include any design preferences (for example: modern or shabby chic) and ideal colors as well as reference photos.

Alternatively, this session can be open ended if you want to give your animal friend something just because but want them to pick it out. You can share your intention behind why you wish to give them a gift as well as anything guidelines/parameters and anything else.

Remember, this offering can be for any animal in your life . . . not just pets!



By your booking time or sooner, you receive your animal friend’s Shopping Trip wish list via email.


Their reply includes everything they share with me including preferences and links to either specific items (ex. EXACTLY this) or directional guidance (ex. LIKE this). Their feedback on what you shared in your intake form is also covered.




After you receive your shopping list and have them items in hand, we jump on a quick 15-minute phone call to discuss them with your pet and refine placement, use, etc.


Booked within 30 days of receiving your email and within 48 hours’ notice, this allows time for you to see how your pet acclimates to the new additions so you can come to our call with their initial reactions and your questions.

This call does not have an intake form at booking, a pre-conversation or recording. It is live, real-time question and answer on the conference line.





Maximum of two item types per shopping trip


One pet per shopping trip unless items are intended for all pets in the household. (You’ll see this is the first question in the intake form at booking.)


Your email containing your pet’s shopping list arrives in your inbox by your booking time or sooner.


The 15-minute follow up call expires 30 days after you receive your initial email shopping list. These mini phone sessions are live, real-time discussions, do not have intake forms and are not recorded.


Please carefully check return policies for the items your pet suggests as there have been times when pets receive the coveted item only to decide they want something different because they didn’t expect x, y, z (ex. it to be so big, have a funny smell, not be the ideal height . . .). This hardly ever happens and, naturally, I do my best to confirm everything at the first step. However, just like us, sometimes when things arrive, they are not exactly what we envisioned! These very rare situations will also be addressed in the follow up call and substitutions will be discussed.



ready for a shopping spree?

I can’t wait to shop with your animal friend!




All sessions must be booked via the SCHEDULER, which is always up to date. Appointment requests are not honored via email.

Payment is due at the time of booking. 

A 24-hour cancellation policy is enforced.