DOSSIER No. 415.212.3

Benefits Of Talking With Kelly

LOKI: “We talk ALL THE TIME! It makes us closer and closer. I help her and she helps me. We are best friends forever!”



LOKI is my very best friend forever and ever. She’s both sassy and sweet and offers me unconditional love and support, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. My faithful bestie is often found on my lap or snoozing in her hammock when she’s not running around in circles. She’s always offering me loving guidance without judgment. We have been together three times in my current lifetime and she just returned in November bringing unparalleled brightness and joy.

Below is her dossier:




The Girl, Lokes, Baby Girl  


Snow White meets Cleopatra  

Distinguishing Features:  

Bright green eyes, exaggerated eyeliner and a bright white chest and front legs


1 year old! 


Loving, Adventurous, Sassy  


New York City  

Last “Seen”:                        

Sunning in the window

Known Associates:           

Bartelby (brother), Tote (German Shepard), Betty (feather toy), Pepper (fish toy), and Kelly (of course!)

Biggest Challenge:                      

Staying away from the places I’m not allowed!  

Benefits From Conversations With Kelly:          

We talk ALL THE TIME! It makes us closer and closer. I help her and she helps me. We are best friends forever!    


Current Feeling:                


Favorite Things:                  

Super soft blankets, Ripple Rug, any little bug outside the window

Favorite Pastimes:            

Tearing through the house like an Indy 500 driver, sunning in her hammock, “investigating” every nook and cranny, her nightly salon appointment (brushing!)

Favorite Places:                

New York City (especially 5th Avenue), San Francisco (especially Noe Valley), any and every beach, Milan (Ohhhh, Milan!)  

Message To The World: 

Live from your open heart!

Kelly Price Katana