DOSSIER No. 14.5.121
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Benefits Of Talking With Kelly

ROCKY: “Realizing I have the power to overcome my physical reality, opening my mind and heart to possibilities of travel and discovery, and reframing freedom.”



Rocky is a Pasay Pup in the Philippines who is lives his life tied to a short chain. During our communication, we leveraged his imagination to take him out of this physical constraint and into new worlds of wonder. The playscapes we invented for him give him a sense of peace and control over his physical reality. Full of love and playfulness, Rocky (in his mind) loves to run, chase balls and feel the fresh sea air on his face and spend quality time with his beloved, Daisy. Below is his dossier:




The Rock, R-Dawg, The Big R  


Tall, dark and handsome  

Distinguishing Features:  

Kind eyes and a dark “collar”  


~7 years old  


Sweet, approachable and lighthearted  


Pasay, Philippines  

Last “Seen”:                        

Martins Bay, Barbados - swimming in the surf and running for miles

Known Associates:           

Daisy (girlfriend), Penelope (local cat), Sven (black crow)  

Biggest Challenge:                      

Physically being chained up and not feeling free  

Benefits From Conversations With Kelly:          

Realizing I have the power to overcome my physical reality, opening my mind and heart to possibilities of travel and discovery, and reframing freedom. And, of course, being introduced to my beloved. (Dossier of Rocky and Daisy’s love story upcoming!)    


Current Feeling:                


Favorite Things:                  

Red bouncy ball, sea surf, freshly cut grass  

Favorite Pastimes:            

Running free for hours and hours finding new smells, resting in the sun and anything Daisy wants to do

Favorite Places:                

Barbados; Swiss Alps; Inverness, Scotland; New York City  

Message To The World: 

Your imagination can take you anywhere! Literally ANYWHERE!

Please note this image was supplied by a volunteer in Pasay and perfectly captures Rocky’s spirit! It is not an original photo by Kelly.

Kelly Price Katana